Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Insuring the Uninsurable

I was taking a walk around Quartzsite recently, and got to thinking about all that has happened in the few short months since Bluto took the helm of the ship she declared to adoring masses and press that she would right. 

The first thing I thought about was how wonderful that September 25th meeting was when Bluto told the council and assembled townsfolk that she had saved the day, the risk pool would NOT be dropping the Town and though we'd be on restriction, we would still have the risk pool coverage, and she had made major progress with repairing the relationship with them. Remember that? How we all clapped and cheered, thinking we dodged another expensive bullet. I almost wished I had some rose petals and Hygeia's love beads to throw at her feet as she walked out of the room. Those were the days....

Then fast forward to Nov. 13th and what do we hear coming out of Bluto's blowhole? "The Town has been in contact with an insurance broker who specializes in hard to place municipalities. She said they would be getting quotes from 15 different insurance companies." I got this quote from the Parker Pioneer because I can't stand reading the minutes online at the Town's website. Can't anyone in that building type? Or use spell check? For the love of all that is holy, have someone that maybe graduated high school (a non Quartzsite one) proof read what you put out in the public realm! You can read the entire article here-

Parker Pioneer Article  

Anyways, I got to thinking about this whole crazy scene with Jerry Pukkerson, Bluto, Forgeron, and what their ulterior motives could be. You didn't think they were doing any of their shenanigans out of a sense of duty, honor, and for the good of the Town, did you? Please.

What started as a little kernel of knowledge tucked way deep in my brain, back behind the latest episode of Toddlers and Tiaras, and right next to the LOLcats collection, started to grow and make its way to the forefront. I started thinking about how much money stands to be made for the broker (or middleman if you prefer) who puts together a sweet (for them) high priced insurance package to insure an almost uninsurable town. Then I remembered that Jerry Pukkerson's wife Michele is an insurance broker. 

Interesting. I'd almost completely forgotten about her wearing an insurance brokers hat! All I ever see her do is sling mediocre (at best) food at the restraunt people lovingly (or not so lovingly) call "Dirty's". Now I am no food connoisseur, but I prefer to eat meals at an establishment not known for its dirt. But that's just me. 

So thinking about how Bluto, Forgeron, and the Pukkerson's spend so many hours around these dirty tables, discussing dirty dealings, and generally being less than clean makes me wonder, how much money might be going through their dirty hands in the next few months? Could it be enough to cause a person to toss aside their ethics and morals? Obviously I'm not including Bluto in this last statement because if she ever had any morals or ethics, they were left in Sacramento along with her CASA pension scheme and she didn't leave a forwarding address for them to catch up to her. 

Makes me wonder. How about you?

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