Seems that our idiotic town council is being more idiotic than usual, so I did some digging into what this council could possibly be thinking. Yeah, I know, it seems like they don't think at all, just follow like lemmings off the cliff. But I digress, back to them thinking. So the intel I got was, that they aren't going to honor Alex Taft's contract because Forgeron has them convinced that they aren't bound by a previous councils actions.
Let that sink in for a minute- not bound by a previous council's actions.
This has to be some of the most ass backwards thinking I have ever heard about. I know that as a teacher, Mark only has to be a grade level higher than the grade he is teaching, but you have to wonder what kinds of misinformation he is teaching to the kids who are unfortunate enough to go to his school.
Put yourself in Forgeron's mind for a minute. There you are, in your shithole house, sitting in your Lazyboy watching Hillbilly Handfishin, glorious in your dingy wife beater and boxers, a bucket of Church's Chicken gizzards resting on your massive midsection and a Keystone Light (gotta watch that girlish figure) in your meaty fist. You got a D- in history and the constitution was never your strong suit, your whole understanding of how that whole congress thing works comes from Arby's placemats and Snapple lids. So there you are, thinking that you can't fire Taft with cause, because her contract says she pretty much has to be convicted of a crime before you can do that. And you don't want to fire her without cause, because then you'd have to honor her contract and pay out her severance. Being the bitter old man that you are, you sure as hell don't want to do that. So you come up with this plan to say you do not have to honor this contract because you weren't on the council when it was signed. Sounds logical, right?
Wrong. Mark, I think perhaps you should crack open one of those old history books you expect your students to use, and read up on what John Adams meant when he said "We are a nation of laws, not men". Readers Digest condensed version for you- this means that while congressmen (or Town councilmen) come and go, the law continues on. So your theory that this council can't be made to honor Taft's contract is as flawed as your thinking that its OK to cavort around town with an underage girl.
If Marks logic were true, every time a new session of congress starts and new members gets sworn in, all the laws of the previous congress go out the window and we start with a blank slate. I think what Mark wants is a monarchy. New king comes into power, all the old kings laws are replaced with new ones. I understand Mark thinks he is royalty, but we don't have monarchy rule here in the US. We have a democracy. There has only ever been one Common Council of the Town of Quartzsite. You, Mark, are just a seat holder. Others have been in that seat before, and assuming you and your buddy Bluto don't bring on the death of the Town, others will fill that seat after you are gone.
Saying that this council can't be bound by a contract that a previous one signed is ludicrous. Especially given that current council members Anderson, Kelly, Crooks and Jewitt signed Taft's contract. You gotta wonder what he's telling them to make them forget that they approved every item in her contract not that long ago. Is it possible that they all have senile dementia? Could Mark be spiking their water with some magic potion that turns them into brainless yes men (and women)? Is he hypnotizing them? Or maybe he has blackmail material on them like Jerry Pukkerson has on Carol Kelley. Makes you wonder what would cause this group of imbeciles to voluntarily run off that cliff.
So Quartzsiters, prepare yourself for another lawsuit.
I would argue that Taft's contract is void, just like Crooks appointment, because the meeting was adjourned by the "mayor" (Lizarraga) and the quorum dispersed. Then they conducted business in a "meeting" that was never posted or agendised. Otherwise, she was just "FIRED" and town code stipulates 30 days severance, which she can use to pay an attorney to argue that her contract was still valid, even though it provided for severance of two years in violation of town code. Does it really matter what the zombies vote to do or not?
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm too tired to spend much time dissecting your post line by line right now. But where in Town code does it say its a violation to pay a severance if it is included in a contract?
DeleteAll action taken in an illegal meeting is void right? At least that's what sources keep telling me...
ReplyDeleteWell, the thing about that supposed illegal meeting is, apparently it was actually legal. I sent in an open meeting complaint about that meeting and shortly thereafter a very polite form letter arrived that said "someone will check it out, don't hold your breath, yada yada". But then I get an actual response from a real live person! I imagine that gasp I heard was you being as shocked as I was at the time.
DeleteSo this Chris Munns guy, who I bet is incredibly sick of all of us by now, tells me that in his opinion the council acted appropriately and there was no violation. In fact, he actually said that the only illegal thing that was done was the mayor adjourning the meeting. I was rather pissed at the time, because I can't stand Norma Crocked (I think Crocked is a much better description, don't you?) She is so tanked all the time I bet she sweats 100 proof all summer long. Being a concerned citizen, I was rather bothered by the fact that Ms. Crocked would be showing up at meetings under the influence (and not just under Forgeron's massive influence, if you catch my drift. I think his mass creates a gravitational pull on anything nearby and rumor has it that light even bends around him! Yes, he's that massive and that dense). Well, I guess that's where the term "functioning alcoholic" came from, because she seems to be able to walk a straight line and doesn't slur her words much. It could be a smart idea to keep the meetings at 9am, because by the evening she probably needs to be wheeled around in one of those Hannibal Lector dolly contraptions so she can remain upright.
What were we talking about? Oh yes, illegal meeting. So according to the AG, the fucking meeting was legal and Crocked is a council member whether we like it or not. I, for one, do NOT! But I think the Rolling Stones said it best, you can't always get what you want.
Now back to the illegal severance, where in Town Code does it say that? I will say, I'm human and could have missed it. That Town Code is a nightmare. But I really don't remember reading anywhere that severance is illegal if it's written in a contract.