Monday, December 3, 2012

Look what I found!

Whilst perusing my recently received email, I stumbled upon this gem of a document. So much comes in to my inbox, I can't keep up with all the goodies I receive. Then one day, like today, I get bored and go through all the funny pictures I get sent from icanhascheeseburger and my silly friends. Most of the time I laugh and laugh but once in a while, I read stuff like this and get pissed off. How come nothing is being done to stop Dilberts reign of terror? How many people have to be victimized by this imbecile? How many of my friends have to suffer not only working for him, but then be treated like crap and tossed aside when he doesn't like them anymore? Most folks would look at the pattern revealed in the past few years and think, "gee, I'm really kind of a fuck up and bad manager, I should do something about that." But not Dilbert. He looks at his actions and thinks "wow, I really am Jesus and can do whatever the fuck I want." People are disposable to this idiot, you aren't loyal to him, you go bye bye. I, for one, am sick of seeing my pals tremble in fear when he approaches. 

So feast your eyes on the document Jeff Dilbert and Laura Bluto don't want you to see.

Janet Brannan's Whistleblower Complaint

Gotta go look at some LOLcats now to make me less angry. 

Enjoy. Or not. It's not pretty but does shed some light on this joke of a police chief. 


  1. Wow, thats a lot of information to digest. A couple of questions I thought of while reading this, maybe you can answer?

    First- why was that information about Jim Schultz included in the whistle blower complaint? From what I understand, Janet always got along with Jim and I can't figure why that part was included. Do you know?

    Second- in reading the transcript of Officer Cotzee's 2 hour "counseling" session, did you or anyone else notice how Gilbert states that "in this job perception is everything"? I sort of want to know if I was the only one who caught that little blurb. If the chief were indeed concerned about how the department is perceived by the community, do you think he would be taking 2 to 3 hour breakfasts, then the same extensive lunches every day at Jerry's Eatery? What do you think the publics perception is of that waste of time? And let's not even get into the perception of his and Sgt. Garcia's relationship.

    Third, I just have to point out how absolutely hilarious I found the part where Gilbert says "I just ignore the politics of the town." I literally almost sprayed my computer when I read that! Anyone knows that is a flat out lie.

    Do you think that Bruno and Gilbert are shitting bricks that some of his dirty little secrets are out there? I say some because I know there are a lot more dirty little secrets that haven't been exposed yet.

  2. I'm not sure I can answer all you questions, but the information I was given was that yes, Janet has always liked Jim and gotten along with him. The reason his performance evaluation was included was to prove that the Chief knew he came back from his last deployment with his knees in horrible shape (anyone who knows Jim has heard him talk endlessly about needing surgery on both knees) but instead of confining him to light duty to reduce the liability to the Town, he let Jim be a fully functioning officer.

    Now, I know we've all heard how sergeants don't have to take calls, but I'm assuming we pay them to do something (other than Farcia, I mean. We know what she's getting paid for) and part of their duties would be to back up other officers as needed. So if while backing up another officer Jim hurts himself, the suspect, the other officer, or some innocent bystander, then the liability to the Town is beyond comprehension. I think Janet cares about Jim, but she cares about the other officers and the Town, too. And just because Jim is one of the Chief's chosen ones, doesn't mean that he should be allowed to jeopardize anyone else's safety.

    As far as the "perception is everything" line, I think Dilbert is very much a "do as I say and not as I do" type of person. If anyone else did the things he's done, and continues to do, they would be gone so fast their head would spin. Dilbert says what he says when it suits him to do so, so him telling lie after lie doesn't surprise anyone who has spent more than 20 minutes with him. I believe it's part of his genetics.

  3. I think you shit-wads should all go fuck yourselves with a cholla mothefucking cactus. You dong breathed peasants can't even begin to dream about how fan-fucking-tastic I am.
